Package net.dpml.transit.monitor

A set of classes supporting Transit sub-systems monitoring.


Interface Summary
Adapter Utility interface defining a monitor adapter.
CacheMonitor A monitor of a Transit cache activity.
ConnectionMonitor A monitor of a network activity or activities.
Monitor Genric interface marking a class as a monitor.
NetworkMonitor A monitor of a download activity or activities.
RepositoryMonitor Defintion of a repository monitor.
Router Generic interface implemented by classes that support multicast distribution of monotor events to registered monitors.

Class Summary
AbstractMonitorRouter A repository monitor router handles mutlicast distribution of monitor events to a set of subscribed monitors.
CacheMonitorAdapter Adapts cache events to logging messages.
CacheMonitorRouter The cache monitor router is responsible for the dispatiching of cache monitor events to registered monitors.
ConnectionMonitorAdapter Adapts connection events to logging messages.
ConnectionMonitorRouter A connection monitor implementation that routes connection notification requests to registered listeners.
LoggingAdapter Generic adapter that redirects monitor events to a logging channel.
NetworkMonitorAdapter Adapts network events to logging messages.
NetworkMonitorRouter A router that handles multicasr distribution of monitor events to registered monitors.
RepositoryMonitorAdapter Adapts repository service monitor events to a logging channel.
RepositoryMonitorRouter A repository monitor router handles mutlicast distribution of monitor events to a set of subscribed monitors.

Package net.dpml.transit.monitor Description

A set of classes supporting Transit sub-systems monitoring.