
Ant tasks supporting Transit-based repository access.


Class Summary
AntAdapter A ant montor for download messages.
GetTask The get task handles the retrival of a rresource and the binding of the resource filename to a project property.
ImportArtifactTask Ant task that provides support for the import of build file templates via an artifact url.
MainTask Task that initializes the Transit sub-system during which a transit is assigned to the current project.
MapDataType Utility class that declares a map between a urn and a plugin uri.
NodeTask Task supports the creation of preference as readable xml files.
PluginTask The plugin task handles the establishment of ant tasks, listeners, and antlibs derived from a classloader established by the transit sub-system.
PluginTask.Antlib Nested element with the <plugin> element declaring a packaged resource and urn of an antlib descriptor to be loaded from the classloader established by the transit plugin descriptor.
PluginTask.Listener Nested element with the <plugin> element declaring the name and class of a project listener to be loaded from the classloader established by the transit plugin descriptor.
PluginTask.Task Nested element with the <plugin> element declaring the name and class of a task to be loaded from the classloader established by the transit plugin descriptor.
TransitComponentHelper A component helper that handles automatic loading of plugins into the ant plugin based on namespace declarations in the project file.

Package Description

Ant tasks supporting Transit-based repository access. The init task is used to established a number of transit related ant properties and the plugin task is used to load antlibs, taskdefs, typedefs and build listeners using classloaders established relative to resources managed by the transit system.

Example build file:

<project name="example" xmlns:transit="antlib:net.dpml.transit">

  <transit:import uri="local:template:dpml/tools/standard"/>


Example of a request to load and register a task definition.

<project name="example" xmlns:transit="antlib:net.dpml.transit">

    <transit:plugin uri="artifact:plugin:dpml/magic/dpml-magic-doc#3000">
      <task class="net.dpml.magic.doc.DocTask" name="docs"/>

