001    /*
002     * Copyright 2004 Niclas Hedhman.
003     * Copyright 2005 Stephen McConnell
004     *
005     * Licensed  under the  Apache License,  Version 2.0  (the "License");
006     * you may not use  this file  except in  compliance with the License.
007     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     *
009     *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     *
011     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     * distributed  under the  License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     * WITHOUT  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS  OF ANY KIND, either  express  or
014     * implied.
015     *
016     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
017     * limitations under the License.
018     */
020    package net.dpml.transit;
022    import java.io.InputStream;
023    import java.io.OutputStream;
024    import java.io.IOException;
026    import java.net.URL;
028    import java.util.Date;
030    /**
031     * An interface that represents locations where the artifacts can be
032     * downloaded.
033     *
034     * @author <a href="http://www.dpml.net">Digital Product Meta Library</a>
035     * @version 1.0.3
036     */
037    public interface ResourceHost
038    {
039        /** Downloads the given artifact to the directory indicated.
040         * <p>
041         *   The cachedir argument is the root cache directory, and the ResourceHost
042         *   class is responsible for the creation of the directory structure of the
043         *   group if nonexistent.
044         * </p>
045         * <p>
046         *   If the knownOnly argument is true, then only attempt download if the
047         *   group is known to exist on this resource host.
048         * </p>
049         * @param artifact the artifact that is requested to be downloaded.
050         * @param dest The output stream where to write the downloaded content.
051         * @exception IOException if an IO related error occurs
052         * @return the lastModified date of the downloaded artifact.
053         */
054        Date download( Artifact artifact, OutputStream dest )
055            throws IOException;
057        /** Uploads the given file to the resource host as an artifact.
058         *
059         * @param artifact the artifact destination specification.
060         * @param source The input stream from where to read the content to be uploaded.
061         * @exception IOException if an IO related error occurs
062         */
063        void upload( Artifact artifact, InputStream source )
064            throws IOException;
066        /** Checks if the Artifact is present on the resource host.
067         *
068         * <p>
069         *   Performs a check to see if the artifact exists on the resource host. If
070         *   <i>knownOnly</i> is set to true, then the implementation will only
071         *   consult the knownGroups table, and if found there, it is considered
072         *   found without checking at the resource host itself. If <i>knownOnly</i>
073         *   is false, however, a connection will be established to the resource
074         *   host and a check of the actual resource existence.
075         * </p>
076         *
077         * @param artifact the artifact for which the method checks its presence.
078         * @param knownOnly does not perform a remote connection, and instead lookup
079         *        the group table, and if not found there it will return false.
080         *
081         * @return true if the artifact can be located, false otherwise.
082         */
083        boolean checkPresence( Artifact artifact, boolean knownOnly );
085        /** Returns the hostname of the resource host.
086         *
087         * <p>
088         *   This does not include any of the path, but does include any port number
089         *   of this resource host.
090         * </p>
091         * @return the hostname
092         */
093        String getHostName();
095        /**
096         * Returns the full host url.
097         *
098         * @return the host url
099         */
100        URL getURL();
102        /**
103         * Return true if the resource host has been enabled.
104         *
105         * @return true if the resource host is enabled, false if not.
106         */
107        boolean isEnabled();
109        /** Returns true if the ResourceHost is considered trusted.
110         * @return true if the host is trusted
111         */
112        boolean isTrusted();
114        /** Returns the priority of the resource host.
115         *
116         *  A high number indicates a more important host that should take precendence
117         *  over a host with lower number.
118         * @return the host priority
119         */
120        int getPriority();
121    }