Package org.mortbay.servlet

Class Summary
CGI CGI Servlet.
GzipFilter GZIP Filter This filter will gzip the content of a response iff: The filter is mapped to a matching path The response status code is >=200 and <300 The content length is unknown or more than the minGzipSize initParameter or the minGzipSize is 0(default) The content-type is in the coma separated list of mimeTypes set in the mimeTypes initParameter or if no mimeTypes are defined the content-type is not "application/gzip" No content-encoding is specified by the resource
MultiPartFilter Multipart Form Data Filter.
ProxyServlet EXPERIMENTAL Proxy servlet.
RestFilter Support for HTTP PUT and DELETE methods.
ThrottlingFilter This filter protects a web application from having to handle an unmanageable load.
UserAgentFilter User Agent Filter.
WelcomeFilter Welcome Filter This filter can be used to server an index file for a directory when no index file actually exists (thus the web.xml mechanism does not work).