
Contains the Block checks that are bundled with the main distribution.


Class Summary
AvoidNestedBlocksCheck Finds nested blocks.
BlockOption Represents the policy for checking block statements.
EmptyBlockCheck Checks for empty blocks.
LeftCurlyCheck Checks the placement of left curly braces on types, methods and other the other blocks: LITERAL_CATCH, LITERAL_DO, LITERAL_ELSE, LITERAL_FINALLY, LITERAL_FOR, LITERAL_IF, LITERAL_SWITCH, LITERAL_SYNCHRONIZED, LITERAL_TRY, LITERAL_WHILE.
LeftCurlyOption Represents the options for placing the left curly brace '{'.
NeedBracesCheck Checks for braces around code blocks.
RightCurlyCheck Checks the placement of right curly braces.
RightCurlyOption Represents the options for placing the right curly brace '}'.

Package Description

Contains the Block checks that are bundled with the main distribution.

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