Uses of Class

Packages that use Category
net.dpml.lang The lang package contains a small number of generic common utilities used throught the DPML codebase. 
net.dpml.library Library interfaces. 
net.dpml.library.impl Implementation of the project library supporting module, project and resource managment. Project, resource and library directives. 

Uses of Category in net.dpml.lang

Fields in net.dpml.lang declared as Category
static Category Category.UNDEFINED
          Undefined category.
static Category Category.SYSTEM
          System category.
static Category Category.PUBLIC
          API category.
static Category Category.PROTECTED
          SPI category.
static Category Category.PRIVATE
          Implementation category.

Methods in net.dpml.lang that return Category
 Category StandardClassLoader.getCategory()
          Return the classloader category
static Category[] Category.values()
          Returns an array of activation enum values.
static Category Category.parse(int value)
          Create a category by parsing the supplied value.
static Category Category.parse(String value)
          Create a category by parsing the supplied name.

Methods in net.dpml.lang with parameters of type Category
static ClassLoader StandardClassLoader.buildClassLoader(Logger logger, String name, Category category, ClassLoader parent, URI[] uris)
          Internal utility class to build a classloader.
 URI[] Classpath.getDependencies(Category category)
          Return the classloader dependencies relative to a supplied classloader category.

Constructors in net.dpml.lang with parameters of type Category
StandardClassLoader(String name, Category category, URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent)
          Creation of a new classloader.

Uses of Category in net.dpml.library

Methods in net.dpml.library with parameters of type Category
 Resource[] Resource.getClasspathProviders(Category category)
          Return an array of runtime providers filtered relative to a supplied classloading category.

Uses of Category in net.dpml.library.impl

Methods in net.dpml.library.impl with parameters of type Category
 Resource[] DefaultResource.getClasspathProviders(Category category)
          Return an array of runtime providers filtered relative to a supplied classloading category.

Uses of Category in

Methods in that return Category
 Category IncludeDirective.getCategory()
          Return the category associated with the include.

Methods in with parameters of type Category
 IncludeDirective[] DependencyDirective.getIncludeDirectives(Category category)
          Return the array of resource includes associated with the dependency group filtered relative to a supplied category.

Constructors in with parameters of type Category
IncludeDirective(IncludeDirective.Mode mode, Category category, String value, Properties properties)
          Creation of a new include directive.