
Immutable datatypes used to describe a deployment scenario.


Class Summary
AbstractDirective Abstract base class for directives.
CategoriesDirective Description of the configuration of a set of categories.
CategoryDirective A logging category descriptor hierachy.
ComponentDirective Definition of the criteria for an explicit component profile.
ContextDirective A context descriptor declares the context creation criteria for the context instance and context entries.
DefaultComposition Component composition.
FeatureDirective A FeatureDirective declares a context entry that is itself a feature of the component including the component uri, name, working directory, or temporary directory.
LookupDirective A reference directive is a reference to a part within the enclosing part's context or parts.
NullDirective A NullDirective is used to mark a solution as resolved on the basis that the solution will be managed by an enclosing component.
ValueDirective A ValueDirective represents a single constructed argument value.

Package Description

Immutable datatypes used to describe a deployment scenario.