Uses of Class

Packages that use Scope
net.dpml.library Library interfaces. 
net.dpml.library.impl Implementation of the project library supporting module, project and resource managment. Project, resource and library directives. Primary interfaces defining a build context and processor. Ant plugin and context support. 

Uses of Scope in net.dpml.library

Methods in net.dpml.library with parameters of type Scope
 Resource[] Resource.getProviders(Scope scope, boolean expand, boolean sort)
          Return an array of resource that are providers to this resource.
 Resource[] Resource.getAggregatedProviders(Scope scope, boolean expand, boolean sort)
          Return an array of resource that are providers to this resource.
 Resource[] Resource.getClasspathProviders(Scope scope)
          Return a sorted and filtered array of providers.

Uses of Scope in net.dpml.library.impl

Methods in net.dpml.library.impl with parameters of type Scope
 Resource[] DefaultResource.getProviders(Scope scope, boolean expand, boolean sort)
          Return an array of resource that are providers to this resource.
 Resource[] DefaultResource.getAggregatedProviders(Scope scope, boolean expand, boolean sort)
          Return an array of resource that are providers to this resource.
 Resource[] DefaultResource.getClasspathProviders(Scope scope)
          Return a sorted and filtered array of providers.

Uses of Scope in

Fields in declared as Scope
static Scope Scope.BUILD
          Build scope.
static Scope Scope.RUNTIME
          Runtime scope.
static Scope Scope.TEST
          Test scope.
static Scope DependencyDirective.BUILD
          BUILD scope.
static Scope DependencyDirective.RUNTIME
          RUNTIME scope.
static Scope DependencyDirective.TEST
          TEST scope.

Methods in that return Scope
static Scope[] Scope.values()
          Returns an array of activation enum values.
static Scope Scope.parse(String value)
          Return a scope value matching the supplied value.
 Scope DependencyDirective.getScope()
          Return the dependency scope.

Methods in with parameters of type Scope
 DependencyDirective ResourceDirective.getDependencyDirective(Scope scope)
          Return an dependency directive matching a supplied scope.

Constructors in with parameters of type Scope
DependencyDirective(Scope scope, IncludeDirective[] includes)
          Creation of a new dependency directive.
DependencyDirective(Scope scope, IncludeDirective[] includes, Properties properties)
          Creation of a new dependency directive.

Uses of Scope in

Methods in with parameters of type Scope
 Path Context.getPath(Scope scope)
          Return an Ant path suitable for compile or runtime usage.
 Path Context.createPath(Scope scope)
          Utility operation to construct a new classpath path instance.

Uses of Scope in

Methods in with parameters of type Scope
 Path DefaultContext.getPath(Scope scope)
          Return an Ant path suitable for comile or runtime usage.
 Path DefaultContext.createPath(Scope scope)
          Utility operation to construct a new classpath path instance.