Package net.dpml.lang

Low-level services dealing with part deployment and management.


Interface Summary
PartContentManager Abstract base class for artifact content handler.
PartManager Management interface to a generic part instance.
ServiceRegistry Component interface.
StrategyHandler Interace implemented by part strategy handlers.

Class Summary
AntlibStrategy Simple resource deployment strategy.
AntlibStrategyHandler Antlib strategy handler implementation.
Buffer Utility class used as a destination during generalized object encoding.
PartContentHandler Content handler for the 'part' artifact type.
SimpleServiceRegistry Simple service registry implementation that selects the first service that is type assignable from the list of service instance supplied to the registry constructor.
StandardServiceRegistry Default service registry implementation that resolves services via services resolvable using java.util.ServiceLoader.
Strategy Abstract component deployment strategy.
Version This class is used to hold version information.

Exception Summary
DecodingException Exception related to data decoding from a DOM element.
DuplicateKeyException Exception to indicate an error arrising from the use of a duplicate key.
PartException Exception to indicate that there was a part handler related error.
TypeCastException Exception raised when class cannot be cast to a requested type.
UnknownKeyException Exception to indicate an error arrising from the use of an unknown key.
UnknownServiceException Exception raised if a requested service cannot be found.

Error Summary
NamespaceError Error related to schmema namespace resolution.
PartError Fatal part related error.
ServiceError Fatal service handling error.

Package net.dpml.lang Description

Low-level services dealing with part deployment and management.

Digital Product Management Laboratory