Package net.dpml.transit

The transit package contains the primary runtime classes within the Transit resource management system.


Interface Summary
CacheManager Cache management interface.
ContentManager Management interface to a content type handler.
HostManager Management interface to a resource host.
LinkManager The LinkManager is responsible for storing the mapping between a Link instance and a URI.
Monitor Transit event monitor.
TransitManager Transit management interface.

Class Summary
Artifact A utility class the handles validation of artifact style uri strings.
ContentHandler Abstract base class for artifact content handler.
Layout Definition of a repository layout.
Transit The Transit class manages the establishment of a singleton transit instance.

Exception Summary
ArtifactAlreadyExistsException Exception to indicate that the Artifact already exists in the cache and can therefor not be written to.
ArtifactException Exception to indicate that there was an Artifact related error.
ArtifactNotFoundException Exception to indicate that an Artifact could not be located.
InvalidArtifactException Exception to indicate that the Artifact already exists in the cache and can therefor not be written to.
LinkNotFoundException Exception to indicate that a link could not be located.
TransitException Exception to indicate that there was an exception related to the transit protocol.
TransitRuntimeException Runtime exception to indicate that there was a transit system error.
UnsupportedSchemeException Exception to indicate that the scheme of a supplied uri is not recognized as a member of the artifact family.

Error Summary
TransitError Critical Transit system error.

Package net.dpml.transit Description

The transit package contains the primary runtime classes within the Transit resource management system. The principal Transit class is responsible for the establishment of the Transit runtime based on a default or explicit TransitDirective. The Transit class provides the internal machinery for a protocol handler dealing with the "artifact", "link" and "local" uri schemes and the corresponding url protocol handlers.

Digital Product Management Laboratory