Uses of Class

Packages that use Buffer
net.dpml.lang Low-level services dealing with part deployment and management. 
net.dpml.runtime Component strategy runtime implementation. 

Uses of Buffer in net.dpml.lang

Methods in net.dpml.lang that return Buffer
 Buffer Buffer.indent()
          Indent the current offset value by 2 space characters.
 Buffer Buffer.indent(String indent)
          Indent the current offset value by a supplied value.
 Buffer Buffer.namespace(String namespace)
          Creation of a new buffer mapped to the supplied namespace.

Methods in net.dpml.lang with parameters of type Buffer
 void AntlibStrategy.encode(Buffer buffer, String key)
          Encode the resource strategy to XML.
abstract  void Strategy.encode(Buffer buffer, String key)
          Write the strategy to the supplied buffer in XML format.

Uses of Buffer in net.dpml.runtime

Methods in net.dpml.runtime with parameters of type Buffer
 void ComponentStrategy.encode(Buffer buffer, String key)
          Encode the component model to the supplied buffer.