Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServiceRegistry
net.dpml.lang Low-level services dealing with part deployment and management. 
net.dpml.runtime Component strategy runtime implementation. 

Uses of ServiceRegistry in net.dpml.lang

Classes in net.dpml.lang that implement ServiceRegistry
 class SimpleServiceRegistry
          Simple service registry implementation that selects the first service that is type assignable from the list of service instance supplied to the registry constructor.
 class StandardServiceRegistry
          Default service registry implementation that resolves services via services resolvable using java.util.ServiceLoader.

Methods in net.dpml.lang with parameters of type ServiceRegistry
 void AntlibStrategy.initialize(ServiceRegistry registry)
          Strategy initialization (not used).
abstract  void Strategy.initialize(ServiceRegistry registry)
          Composite strategies are strategy implementations that contain subidary strategies.
static Strategy Strategy.load(Class<?> subject, ServiceRegistry registry, String name)
          Creation of a new management strategy.
static Strategy Strategy.load(ClassLoader classloader, ServiceRegistry registry, URI uri, String name)
          Load a strategy defined by the supplied uri, name, classloader and service registry, and return a value assignable to the supplied type.

Constructors in net.dpml.lang with parameters of type ServiceRegistry
SimpleServiceRegistry(ServiceRegistry parent, Object... args)
          Creation of a new service registry with no parent.
StandardServiceRegistry(ServiceRegistry parent)
          Creation of a new service registry with fallback delegation to a parent registry.

Uses of ServiceRegistry in net.dpml.runtime

Classes in net.dpml.runtime that implement ServiceRegistry
 class ComponentStrategy
          Component strategy.

Methods in net.dpml.runtime with parameters of type ServiceRegistry
 void ComponentStrategy.initialize(ServiceRegistry registry)
          Initialize the component with a supplied service registry.