Annotation Type ExportResources

public @interface ExportResources

Indicates the exported resources of a module definition. Each export is the corresponding path of the resource within the module archive that is exported. This metadata annotation is applied to the development module, i.e. the superpackage construct.

The string that specifies the exported file may contain wildcard:

1. A path with a trailing /* matches all files contained in that directory.

2. A path with a trailing /** matches all files in the directory, and recursively all files in subdirectories contained in that directory.

For examples,

    // Exports resources one-by-one.
    superpackage {
    // Exports resources using wildcards, including 
    // - all contents under icons directory, and
    // - all contents under META-INF and its sub-directories
    superpackage {

Stanley M. Ho

Required Element Summary
 String[] value
          Exported resources of the module definition.

Element Detail


public abstract String[] value
Exported resources of the module definition.