Package java.module

Provides classes for the module system.


Interface Summary
ImportOverridePolicy This interface represents the import override policy which is a mechanism that allows deployers to narrow the version constraints in the import dependencies of a specific module definition to control the resolution.
ImportPolicy This interface represents the import policy of a module definition.
VisibilityPolicy This interface represents the visibility policy of the module definitions in the repository of the module system.

Class Summary
ImportDependency This class represents an import dependency of the module definition.
Module This class represents the reified module instance in the module system.
ModuleArchiveInfo This class represents the information of an installed module archive in the repository.
ModuleDefinition This class represents the reified module definition in the module system.
ModuleDefinitionContent This class represents the content of the module definition.
Modules XXX
ModuleSystem This class represents the module system which constructs a module instance from a module definition.
ModuleSystemPermission The permission which the SecurityManager will check when code that is running with a SecurityManager calls methods defined in the module system for the Java platform.
Query This class represents a query that determines whether or not a particular module definition matches some criteria.
Repository This class represents the repository in the module system.
Version This class represents a version in the module system.
VersionConstraint This class represents a version constraint in the module system.

Exception Summary
ModuleFormatException Thrown to indicate that the format of the module archive is not recognized or supported.
ModuleInitializationException Thrown to indicate that the initialization of a Module failed.
UnsatisfiedDependencyException Thrown to indicate that there is an unsatisifed import dependency in a module during resolution.

Package java.module Description

Provides classes for the module system.
