Package sun.module.repository

Class Summary
ExpandedJamDefinitionContent /bin -- native libraries /lib -- embedded JARs /.module -- .module file /.jam -- original Jam file
ExpandedJamRepository Represents a repository whose contents are .jam files that have been expanded into their directory structure.
LocalRepository A repository for module definitions stored on the file system.
ModuleInfo Represents the information about a single module as described by the schema java.module.RepositoryMetada.xml.
ModuleInfoXMLReader Reads from data from a URL which conforms to the RepositoryMetadata.xml schema, providing a set of ModuleInfo instances for the current platform & arch.
RepositoryConfig Defines the configuration of a set or repositories in a running JVM.
URLModuleDefinitionContent This ModuleDefinitionContent downloads the JAM for a ModuleDefinition when that actual content is required.
URLRepository This class represents a repository that loads module definitions from a codebase URL.