
Interface Summary
Condition Interface for conditions to use inside the <condition> task.

Class Summary
And <and> condition container.
AntVersion An Ant version condition.
ConditionBase Baseclass for the <condition> task as well as several conditions - ensures that the types of conditions inside the task and the "container" conditions are in sync.
Contains Is one string part of another string?
Equals Simple String comparison condition.
FilesMatch Compares two files for equality based on size and content.
HasFreeSpace <hasfreespace>
HasMethod test for a method
Http Condition to wait for a HTTP request to succeed.
IsFailure Condition to test a return-code for failure.
IsFalse Condition that tests whether a given string evals to false
IsFileSelected This is a condition that checks to see if a file passes an embedded selector.
IsReachable Test for a host being reachable using ICMP "ping" packets & echo operations.
IsReference Condition that tests whether a given reference has been defined.
IsSet Condition that tests whether a given property has been set.
IsSigned Checks whether a jarfile is signed: if the name of the signature is passed, the file is checked for presence of that particular signature; otherwise the file is checked for the existence of any signature.
IsTrue Condition that tests whether a given string evals to true
Matches Simple regular expression condition.
Not <not> condition.
Or <or> condition container.
Os Condition that tests the OS type.
ParserSupports Test for the XML parser supporting a particular feature
ResourcesMatch Compares resources for equality based on size and content.
Socket Condition to wait for a TCP/IP socket to have a listener.
TypeFound looks for a task or other Ant type that exists.
Xor The Xor condition type to exclusive or operations.