Class Credential

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
Credential.Crypt, Credential.MD5, Password

public abstract class Credential
extends Object

Credentials. The Credential class represents an abstract mechanism for checking authentication credentials. A credential instance either represents a secret, or some data that could only be derived from knowing the secret.

Often a Credential is related to a Password via a one way algorithm, so while a Password itself is a Credential, a UnixCrypt or MD5 digest of a a password is only a credential that can be checked against the password.

This class includes an implementation for unix Crypt an MD5 digest.

Greg Wilkins (gregw)
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
static class Credential.Crypt
          Unix Crypt Credentials
static class Credential.MD5
          MD5 Credentials
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  boolean check(Object credentials)
          Check a credential
static Credential getCredential(String credential)
          Get a credential from a String.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Credential()
Method Detail


public abstract boolean check(Object credentials)
Check a credential

credentials - The credential to check against. This may either be another Credential object, a Password object or a String which is interpreted by this credential.
True if the credentials indicated that the shared secret is known to both this Credential and the passed credential.


public static Credential getCredential(String credential)
Get a credential from a String. If the credential String starts with a known Credential type (eg "CRYPT:" or "MD5:" ) then a Credential of that type is returned. Else the credential is assumed to be a Password.

credential - String representation of the credential
A Credential or Password instance.