Interface Continuation

All Known Implementing Classes:
SelectChannelConnector.RetryContinuation, WaitingContinuation

public interface Continuation

Continuation. A continuation is a mechanism by which a HTTP Request can be suspended and restarted after a timeout or an asynchronous event has occured. Blocking continuations will block the process of the request during a call to suspend(long). Non-blocking continuation can abort the current request and arrange for it to be retried when resume() is called or the timeout expires. In order to supprt non-blocking continuations, it is important that all actions taken by a filter or servlet before a call to suspend(long) are either idempotent (can be retried) or are made conditional on isPending() so they are not performed on retried requests. With the appropriate HTTP Connector, this allows threadless waiting for events (see SelectChannelConnector).


Method Summary
 Object getObject()
          Arbitrary object associated with the continuation for context.
 boolean isNew()
          Is this a newly created Continuation.
 boolean isPending()
          Get the pending status? A continuation is pending while the handling of a call to suspend has not completed.
 void resume()
          Resume the request.
 void setObject(Object o)
          Arbitrary object associated with the continuation for context.
 boolean suspend(long timeout)
          Suspend handling.

Method Detail


void resume()
Resume the request. Resume a suspended request. The passed event will be returned in the getObject method.

event - Event to resume the request with.


boolean suspend(long timeout)
Suspend handling. This method will suspend the request for the timeout or until resume is called.

timeout -
True if resume called or false if timeout.


boolean isNew()
Is this a newly created Continuation.

A newly created continuation has not had #getEvent(long) called on it.

True if the continuation has just been created and has not yet suspended the request.


boolean isPending()
Get the pending status? A continuation is pending while the handling of a call to suspend has not completed. For blocking continuations, pending is true only during the call to suspend(long). For non-blocking continuations, pending is true until a second call to suspend(long), thus this method can be used to determine if a request is being retried.

True if the continuation is handling a call to suspend.


Object getObject()
Arbitrary object associated with the continuation for context.

An arbitrary object associated with the continuation


void setObject(Object o)
Arbitrary object associated with the continuation for context.

o - An arbitrary object to associate with the continuation