Class WaitingContinuation

  extended by org.mortbay.util.ajax.WaitingContinuation
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WaitingContinuation
extends Object
implements Continuation

Field Summary
(package private)  Object _mutex
(package private)  boolean _new
(package private)  Object _object
(package private)  boolean _pending
(package private)  boolean _resumed
Constructor Summary
WaitingContinuation(Object mutex)
Method Summary
 Object getMutex()
 Object getObject()
          Arbitrary object associated with the continuation for context.
 boolean isNew()
          Is this a newly created Continuation.
 boolean isPending()
          Get the pending status? A continuation is pending while the handling of a call to suspend has not completed.
 void resume()
          Resume the request.
 void setMutex(Object mutex)
 void setObject(Object object)
          Arbitrary object associated with the continuation for context.
 boolean suspend(long timeout)
          Suspend handling.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


Object _mutex


Object _object


boolean _new


boolean _resumed


boolean _pending
Constructor Detail


public WaitingContinuation()


public WaitingContinuation(Object mutex)
Method Detail


public void resume()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Resume the request. Resume a suspended request. The passed event will be returned in the getObject method.

Specified by:
resume in interface Continuation


public boolean isNew()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Is this a newly created Continuation.

A newly created continuation has not had #getEvent(long) called on it.

Specified by:
isNew in interface Continuation
True if the continuation has just been created and has not yet suspended the request.


public boolean suspend(long timeout)
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Suspend handling. This method will suspend the request for the timeout or until resume is called.

Specified by:
suspend in interface Continuation
True if resume called or false if timeout.


public boolean isPending()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Get the pending status? A continuation is pending while the handling of a call to suspend has not completed. For blocking continuations, pending is true only during the call to Continuation.suspend(long). For non-blocking continuations, pending is true until a second call to Continuation.suspend(long), thus this method can be used to determine if a request is being retried.

Specified by:
isPending in interface Continuation
True if the continuation is handling a call to suspend.


public Object getObject()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Arbitrary object associated with the continuation for context.

Specified by:
getObject in interface Continuation
An arbitrary object associated with the continuation


public void setObject(Object object)
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Arbitrary object associated with the continuation for context.

Specified by:
setObject in interface Continuation
object - An arbitrary object to associate with the continuation


public Object getMutex()


public void setMutex(Object mutex)