Uses of Class

Packages that use VersionConstraint
java.module Provides classes for the module system. 

Uses of VersionConstraint in java.module

Fields in java.module declared as VersionConstraint
static VersionConstraint VersionConstraint.DEFAULT
          A VersionConstraint object that represents the default version constraint that is "".

Methods in java.module that return VersionConstraint
 VersionConstraint UnsatisfiedDependencyException.getOverrideVersionConstraint()
          Returns the override version constraint.
abstract  VersionConstraint ModuleDefinition.getResourceModuleConstraint()
          Returns the version constraint that the resource module must satisfy for it to be used by this module definition.
abstract  VersionConstraint ModuleDefinition.getResourceTargetConstraint()
          Returns the version constraint that the target module must satisfy for it to use this module definition as resource module.
 VersionConstraint ImportDependency.getVersionConstraint()
          Returns the version constraint of the import dependency.
 VersionConstraint Version.toVersionConstraint()
          Return a VersionConstraint object that represents this version.
static VersionConstraint VersionConstraint.valueOf(String versionConstraint)
          Returns a VersionConstraint object holding the value of the specified string.

Methods in java.module that return types with arguments of type VersionConstraint
 Map<String,VersionConstraint> ImportOverridePolicy.narrow(ModuleDefinition importer, Map<String,VersionConstraint> constraints)
          Returns a map of imported module names and overridden version constraints for the module definition.

Methods in java.module with parameters of type VersionConstraint
 boolean VersionConstraint.contains(VersionConstraint versionConstraint)
          Returns true if the specified VersionConstraint is contained within any of the ranges known to this VersionConstraint.
 ModuleDefinition Repository.find(String name, VersionConstraint versionConstraint)
          Find a module definition.
static Query Query.version(VersionConstraint versionConstraint)
          Returns a Query that requires the version of a module definition to be contained within any of the ranges known to the specified version constraint.

Method parameters in java.module with type arguments of type VersionConstraint
 List<ModuleDefinition> ImportPolicy.getImports(ModuleDefinition moduleDef, Map<String,VersionConstraint> constraints, ImportPolicy defaultImportPolicy)
          Returns a list of imported module definitions for preparing this module instance.
 Map<String,VersionConstraint> ImportOverridePolicy.narrow(ModuleDefinition importer, Map<String,VersionConstraint> constraints)
          Returns a map of imported module names and overridden version constraints for the module definition.

Constructors in java.module with parameters of type VersionConstraint
ImportDependency(String name, VersionConstraint constraint)
          Constructs a ImportDependency.
ImportDependency(String name, VersionConstraint constraint, boolean reexport, boolean optional)
          Constructs a ImportDependency.
UnsatisfiedDependencyException(String s, ModuleDefinition moduleDef, ImportDependency importDep, VersionConstraint versionConstraint)
          Constructs a UnsatisfiedDependencyException with the detail message, the specified module definition, the import dependency, and the override version constraint.
UnsatisfiedDependencyException(String s, Throwable cause, ModuleDefinition moduleDef, ImportDependency importDep, VersionConstraint versionConstraint)
          Constructs a UnsatisfiedDependencyException with the detail message, the cause, the specified module definition, and the import dependency, and the override version constraint.