Uses of Class

Packages that use Query
java.module Provides classes for the module system. 

Uses of Query in java.module

Fields in java.module declared as Query
static Query Query.ANY
          A Query object that matches everything.

Methods in java.module that return Query
static Query Query.and(Query query1, Query query2)
          Returns a Query that is the conjunction of two other queries.
static Query Query.attribute(String name)
          Returns a Query that requires the specified name of a module attribute exists.
static Query Query.attribute(String name, String value)
          Returns a Query that requires an attribute of a module definition matches the specified name and value.
static Query name)
          Returns a Query that requires the name of a module definition equals to the specified name.
static Query Query.not(Query query)
          Returns a Query that inverts the specified query.
static Query Query.or(Query query1, Query query2)
          Returns a Query that is the disjunction of two other queries.
static Query Query.version(String source)
          Returns a Query that requires the version of a module definition to be contained within any of the ranges known to the specified version constraint.
static Query Query.version(VersionConstraint versionConstraint)
          Returns a Query that requires the version of a module definition to be contained within any of the ranges known to the specified version constraint.

Methods in java.module with parameters of type Query
static Query Query.and(Query query1, Query query2)
          Returns a Query that is the conjunction of two other queries.
 List<ModuleDefinition> Repository.find(Query constraint)
          Find all matching module definitions that match the specified constraint.
protected abstract  List<ModuleDefinition> Repository.findModuleDefinitions(Query constraint)
          Find all matching module definitions in the repository.
static Query Query.not(Query query)
          Returns a Query that inverts the specified query.
static Query Query.or(Query query1, Query query2)
          Returns a Query that is the disjunction of two other queries.

Uses of Query in sun.module.bootstrap

Methods in sun.module.bootstrap with parameters of type Query
 List<ModuleDefinition> BootstrapRepository.findModuleDefinitions(Query constraint)

Uses of Query in sun.module.repository

Methods in sun.module.repository with parameters of type Query
 List<ModuleDefinition> URLRepository.findModuleDefinitions(Query constraint)
          Finds all matching module definitions in this repository.
 List<ModuleDefinition> LocalRepository.findModuleDefinitions(Query constraint)
 List<ModuleDefinition> ExpandedJamRepository.findModuleDefinitions(Query constraint)