Uses of Class

Packages that use DetailAST Contains the implementation of the Checkstyle framework. Contains the core API to be used to implement checks. Contains the checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains the Block checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains the Coding checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains the Class Design checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains the Imports checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains all classes required for the indentation check. Contains J2EE checks. Contains the Javadoc checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains the Metrics checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains the Naming conventions checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains the Size Violations checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains the Usage checks that are bundled with the main distribution. Contains the Whitespace checks that are bundled with the main distribution. 

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in that return DetailAST
static DetailAST TreeWalker.parse(FileContents aContents)
          Static helper method to parses a Java source file.

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in that return DetailAST
 DetailAST DetailAST.getParent()
          Returns the parent token.
 DetailAST DetailAST.getLastChild()
 DetailAST DetailAST.getPreviousSibling()
          Returns the previous sibling or null if no such sibling exists.
 DetailAST DetailAST.findFirstToken(int aType)
          Returns the first child token that makes a specified type.

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
protected  void AbstractViolationReporter.log(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aKey)
          Helper method to log a LocalizedMessage.
protected  void AbstractViolationReporter.log(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Object aArg0)
          Helper method to log a LocalizedMessage.
protected  void AbstractViolationReporter.log(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Object aArg0, java.lang.Object aArg1)
          Helper method to log a LocalizedMessage.
 void Check.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree.
 void Check.finishTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called after finished processing a tree.
 void Check.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void Check.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called after all the child nodes have been process.
static FullIdent FullIdent.createFullIdent(DetailAST aAST)
          Creates a new FullIdent starting from the specified node.
static FullIdent FullIdent.createFullIdentBelow(DetailAST aAST)
          Creates a new FullIdent starting from the child of the specified node.
static Scope ScopeUtils.getScopeFromMods(DetailAST aMods)
          Returns the Scope specified by the modifier set.
static Scope ScopeUtils.getSurroundingScope(DetailAST aAST)
          Returns the scope of the surrounding "block".
static boolean ScopeUtils.inInterfaceBlock(DetailAST aAST)
          Returns whether a node is directly contained within an interface block.
static boolean ScopeUtils.inCodeBlock(DetailAST aAST)
          Returns whether the scope of a node is restricted to a code block.
static boolean ScopeUtils.isOuterMostType(DetailAST aAST)
          Returns whether a node is contained in the outer most type block.
static boolean ScopeUtils.isLocalVariableDef(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether a node is a local variable definition.

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in that return DetailAST
static DetailAST CheckUtils.getFirstNode(DetailAST aNode)
          Finds sub-node for given node minimal (line, column) pair.

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
protected abstract  void AbstractTypeAwareCheck.processAST(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process an AST when visiting it.
 void AbstractTypeAwareCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void AbstractTypeAwareCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void AbstractTypeAwareCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ArrayTypeStyleCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
static boolean CheckUtils.isEqualsMethod(DetailAST aAST)
          Tests whether a method definition AST defines an equals covariant.
static boolean CheckUtils.isElseIf(DetailAST aAST)
          Returns whether a token represents an ELSE as part of an ELSE / IF set.
static FullIdent CheckUtils.createFullType(DetailAST aTypeAST)
          Creates FullIdent for given type node.
static DetailAST CheckUtils.getFirstNode(DetailAST aNode)
          Finds sub-node for given node minimal (line, column) pair.
 void DescendantTokenCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void FileContentsHolder.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void FileContentsHolder.finishTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void FinalParametersCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void GenericIllegalRegexpCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void HeaderCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void ModifierOrderCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void RedundantModifierCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void RegexpHeaderCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void RequiredRegexpCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void TodoCommentCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void TrailingCommentCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void TrailingCommentCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void UncommentedMainCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void UncommentedMainCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAst)
 void UncommentedMainCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAst)
 void UpperEllCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
 void AvoidNestedBlocksCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void EmptyBlockCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void LeftCurlyCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void NeedBracesCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void RightCurlyCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
 void AbstractNestedDepthCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
protected  void AbstractNestedDepthCheck.nestIn(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aMessageId)
          Increasing current nesting depth.
 void AbstractSuperCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void AbstractSuperCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void AbstractSuperCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ArrayTrailingCommaCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aArrayInit)
 void AvoidInlineConditionalsCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void CovariantEqualsCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void DeclarationOrderCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void DeclarationOrderCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void DefaultComesLastCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void DoubleCheckedLockingCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void EmptyStatementCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void EqualsHashCodeCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void EqualsHashCodeCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void EqualsHashCodeCheck.finishTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void ExplicitInitializationCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void FallThroughCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void FinalLocalVariableCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void FinalLocalVariableCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void HiddenFieldCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void HiddenFieldCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void HiddenFieldCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void IllegalCatchCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aDetailAST)
 void IllegalInstantiationCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void IllegalInstantiationCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void IllegalInstantiationCheck.finishTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void IllegalTokenCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void IllegalTokenTextCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void IllegalTokenTextCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void IllegalTypeCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void InnerAssignmentCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void JUnitTestCaseCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void MagicNumberCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void MissingCtorCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ModifiedControlVariableCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void ModifiedControlVariableCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void ModifiedControlVariableCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called after all the child nodes have been process.
 void MultipleStringLiteralsCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void MultipleStringLiteralsCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void MultipleStringLiteralsCheck.finishTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called after finished processing a tree. Ideal place to report on information collected whilst processing a tree.
 void MultipleVariableDeclarationsCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void NestedIfDepthCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void NestedIfDepthCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void NestedTryDepthCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void NestedTryDepthCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void PackageDeclarationCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aAST)
 void PackageDeclarationCheck.finishTree(DetailAST aAST)
 void PackageDeclarationCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ParameterAssignmentCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void ParameterAssignmentCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void ParameterAssignmentCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called after all the child nodes have been process.
protected  void RedundantThrowsCheck.processAST(DetailAST aAST)
          Checks exceptions declared in throws for a method or constructor.
 void RequireThisCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void RequireThisCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called after all the child nodes have been process.
 void RequireThisCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void ReturnCountCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void ReturnCountCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void ReturnCountCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called after all the child nodes have been process.
 void SimplifyBooleanExpressionCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void SimplifyBooleanReturnCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void StringLiteralEqualityCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void UnnecessaryParenthesesCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void UnnecessaryParenthesesCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
 void DesignForExtensionCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void FinalClassCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void FinalClassCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void HideUtilityClassConstructorCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void InterfaceIsTypeCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void MutableExceptionCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void MutableExceptionCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ThrowsCountCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void VisibilityModifierCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
 void AvoidStarImportCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void IllegalImportCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ImportOrderCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void ImportOrderCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void RedundantImportCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void RedundantImportCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void UnusedImportsCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void UnusedImportsCheck.finishTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void UnusedImportsCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in that return DetailAST
protected  DetailAST ArrayInitHandler.getToplevelAST()
          There is no top level expression for this handler.
protected  DetailAST ArrayInitHandler.getLCurly()
          Get the left curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST ArrayInitHandler.getRCurly()
          Get the right curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST ArrayInitHandler.getListChild()
          Get the child element representing the list of statements.
protected  DetailAST BlockParentHandler.getToplevelAST()
          Get the top level expression being managed by this handler.
protected  DetailAST BlockParentHandler.getLCurly()
          Get the left curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST BlockParentHandler.getRCurly()
          Get the right curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST BlockParentHandler.getNonlistChild()
          Get the child element that is not a list of statements.
protected  DetailAST BlockParentHandler.getListChild()
          Get the child element representing the list of statements.
protected  DetailAST BlockParentHandler.getRParen()
          Get the right parenthesis portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST BlockParentHandler.getLParen()
          Get the left parenthesis portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST ClassDefHandler.getLCurly()
          Get the left curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST ClassDefHandler.getRCurly()
          Get the right curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST ClassDefHandler.getToplevelAST()
          There is no top level expression for this handler.
protected  DetailAST ClassDefHandler.getListChild()
          Get the child element representing the list of statements.
protected  DetailAST ElseHandler.getNonlistChild()
          Get the child element that is not a list of statements.
protected  DetailAST ExpressionHandler.getMainAst()
          Accessor for the MainAst attribute.
protected  DetailAST MethodDefHandler.getToplevelAST()
          There is no top level expression for this handler.
protected  DetailAST ObjectBlockHandler.getToplevelAST()
          There is no top level expression for this handler.
protected  DetailAST ObjectBlockHandler.getLCurly()
          Get the left curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST ObjectBlockHandler.getRCurly()
          Get the right curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST ObjectBlockHandler.getListChild()
          Get the child element representing the list of statements.
protected  DetailAST SlistHandler.getNonlistChild()
          Get the child element that is not a list of statements.
protected  DetailAST SlistHandler.getListChild()
          Get the child element representing the list of statements.
protected  DetailAST SlistHandler.getLCurly()
          Get the left curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST SlistHandler.getRCurly()
          Get the right curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST SlistHandler.getToplevelAST()
          There is no top level expression for this handler.
protected  DetailAST SwitchHandler.getLCurly()
          Get the left curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST SwitchHandler.getRCurly()
          Get the right curly brace portion of the expression we are handling.
protected  DetailAST SwitchHandler.getListChild()
          There is no list of statements child for this handler.
protected  DetailAST SwitchHandler.getNonlistChild()
          There is no child element that is not a list of statements.

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
protected  void ExpressionHandler.logError(DetailAST aAst, java.lang.String aSubtypeName, int aActualLevel)
          Log an indentation error.
protected  void ExpressionHandler.logError(DetailAST aAst, java.lang.String aSubtypeName, int aActualLevel, IndentLevel aExpectedLevel)
          Log an indentation error.
protected  boolean ExpressionHandler.startsLine(DetailAST aAst)
          Determines if the given expression is at the start of a line.
protected  int ExpressionHandler.getLineStart(DetailAST aAst)
          Get the start of the line for the given expression.
protected  void ExpressionHandler.checkChildren(DetailAST aParent, int[] aTokenTypes, IndentLevel aStartLevel, boolean aFirstLineMatches, boolean aAllowNesting)
          Check the indent level of the children of the specified parent expression.
protected  void ExpressionHandler.checkExpressionSubtree(DetailAST aTree, IndentLevel aLevel, boolean aFirstLineMatches, boolean aAllowNesting)
          Check the indentation level for an expression subtree.
protected  int ExpressionHandler.getFirstLine(int aStartLine, DetailAST aTree)
          Get the first line for a given expression.
protected  int ExpressionHandler.expandedTabsColumnNo(DetailAST aAst)
          Get the column number for the start of a given expression, expanding tabs out into spaces in the process.
protected  void ExpressionHandler.findSubtreeLines(LineSet aLines, DetailAST aTree, boolean aAllowNesting)
          Find the set of lines for a given subtree.
 ExpressionHandler HandlerFactory.getHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Get the handler for an AST.
 void IndentationCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aAst)
 void IndentationCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void IndentationCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)

Constructors in with parameters of type DetailAST
ArrayInitHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
AssignHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
BlockParentHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, java.lang.String aName, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, name, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
CaseHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aExpr, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
CatchHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
ClassDefHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
DoWhileHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
ElseHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
ExpressionHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, java.lang.String aTypeName, DetailAST aExpr, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, name, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
FinallyHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
ForHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
IfHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
ImportHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
LabelHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aExpr, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
MethodCallHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
MethodDefHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
ObjectBlockHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
PackageDefHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
SlistHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
StaticInitHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
SwitchHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
TryHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.
WhileHandler(IndentationCheck aIndentCheck, DetailAST aAst, ExpressionHandler aParent)
          Construct an instance of this handler with the given indentation check, abstract syntax tree, and parent handler.

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
protected  void AbstractBeanCheck.checkBean(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aBeanType, boolean aAllowAbstract)
          Checks a bean class requirements.
protected  void AbstractJ2eeCheck.log(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Object[] aArgs)
          Helper method to log a LocalizedMessage for an AST.
protected  void AbstractJ2eeCheck.logName(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Object[] aArgs)
          Helper method to log a LocalizedMessage for an AST.
 void BeanManagedMethodChecker.checkMethods(DetailAST aAST)
 void BeanManagedMethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
 void BeanMethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
protected  void BeanMethodChecker.checkCreateMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
          Checks whether an ejbCreate<METHOD>(...) method of a bean satisfies requirements.
 void ContainerManagedMethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
protected  void ContainerManagedMethodChecker.checkSelectMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
          Checks whether an ejbSelect<METHOD>(...) method of an entity bean satisfies requirements.
protected  void ContainerManagedMethodChecker.checkCreateMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
          Checks whether an ejbCreate<METHOD>(...) method of an entity bean satisfies requirements.
 void EntityBeanCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void EntityBeanMethodChecker.checkMethods(DetailAST aAST)
 void EntityBeanMethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
protected  void EntityBeanMethodChecker.checkCreateMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
protected  void EntityBeanMethodChecker.checkHomeMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
          Checks whether an ejbHome<METHOD>(...) method of an entity bean satisfies requirements.
protected  void EntityBeanMethodChecker.checkPostCreateMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
          Checks whether an ejbPostCreate<METHOD>(...) method of an entity bean satisfies requirements.
 void FinalStaticCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void HomeInterfaceMethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
protected  void HomeInterfaceMethodChecker.checkCreateMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
          Checks create<METHOD>(...) method requirements.
 void LocalHomeInterfaceCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void LocalHomeInterfaceMethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
 void LocalInterfaceCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void LocalInterfaceMethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
 void MessageBeanCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void MessageBeanMethodChecker.checkMethods(DetailAST aAST)
protected  void MessageBeanMethodChecker.checkCreateMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
 void MethodChecker.checkMethods(DetailAST aAST)
          Checks that the methods of a component satisfy requirements.
abstract  void MethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
          Checks whether a method satisfies component requirements.
 void MethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST, boolean aAllowFinal)
          Checks whether a method satisfies public, non-static, and final requirements.
protected  void MethodChecker.checkThrows(DetailAST aMethodAST, java.lang.String aException)
          Checks that the throws clause of a method definition includes an Exception.
protected  void MethodChecker.checkNotThrows(DetailAST aMethodAST, java.lang.String aException)
          Checks that the throws clause of a method definition does no include an Exception.
protected  void MethodChecker.log(DetailAST aMethodAST, java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Object[] aArgs)
          Logs an error message for a method.
protected  void MethodChecker.logName(DetailAST aMethodAST, java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Object[] aArgs)
          Logs an error message for a method, including the method name.
 void RemoteHomeInterfaceCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void RemoteHomeInterfaceMethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
 void RemoteInterfaceCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void RemoteInterfaceMethodChecker.checkMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
 void SessionBeanCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void SessionBeanMethodChecker.checkMethods(DetailAST aAST)
protected  void SessionBeanMethodChecker.checkCreateMethod(DetailAST aMethodAST)
 void ThisParameterCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ThisReturnCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
static boolean Utils.hasPublicMethod(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aName)
          Determines whether an AST node has a definition of a public method.
static boolean Utils.hasPublicMethod(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aName, boolean aIsVoid)
          Determines whether an AST node has a definition of a public method.
static boolean Utils.hasPublicMethod(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aName, boolean aIsVoid, int aParameterCount)
          Determines whether an AST node has a definition of a public method.
static boolean Utils.hasPublicConstructor(DetailAST aAST, int aParameterCount)
          Determines whether an AST defines a class with a public constructor with a given number of parameters.
static boolean Utils.implementsEntityBean(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether an AST node is in the definition of a class that implements javax.ejb.EntityBean.
static boolean Utils.implementsSessionBean(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether an AST node is in the definition of a class that implements javax.ejb.SessionBean.
static boolean Utils.isInEJB(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether an AST node is in the definition of an EJB class.
static boolean Utils.isAbstract(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether an AST defines an abstract element.
static boolean Utils.isFinal(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether an AST defines a final element.
static boolean Utils.isPublic(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether an AST defines a public element.
static boolean Utils.isStatic(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether an AST defines a static element.
static boolean Utils.isVoid(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether an AST defines a void method.
static boolean Utils.hasImplements(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aInterface)
          Determines whether an AST node declares an implementation of an interface.
static boolean Utils.hasExtends(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aClassOrInterface)
          Determines whether an AST node declares an extension of a class or interface.
static boolean Utils.hasThrows(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aException)
          Determines whether an AST node declares a throw of an Exception.
static boolean Utils.isPublicMethod(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aName, boolean aIsVoid, int aParameterCount)
          Determines whether an AST node defines a public method.
static boolean Utils.isPublicMethod(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aName, boolean aIsVoid)
          Determines whether an AST node defines a public method.
static boolean Utils.isPublicMethod(DetailAST aAST, java.lang.String aName)
          Determines whether an AST node defines a public method.
static java.lang.String Utils.constructDottedName(DetailAST aAST)
          Builds the dotted name String representation of the object contained within an AST.
static boolean Utils.sameParameters(DetailAST aMethodAST1, DetailAST aMethodAST2)
          Tests whether two method definition ASTs have the same parameter lists according to type.
static boolean Utils.equalTypes(DetailAST aTypeAST1, DetailAST aTypeAST2)
          Tests whether two type AST nodes have the same type.

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
protected  void JavadocMethodCheck.processAST(DetailAST aAST)
          Checks Javadoc comments for a method or constructor.
 void JavadocStyleCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void JavadocTypeCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void JavadocVariableCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
 void AbstractClassCouplingCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aAST)
          Called before the starting to process a tree. Ideal place to initialise information that is to be collected whilst processing a tree.
 void AbstractClassCouplingCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void AbstractClassCouplingCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called after all the child nodes have been process.
protected  void AbstractComplexityCheck.visitTokenHook(DetailAST aAST)
          Hook called when visiting a token.
protected  void AbstractComplexityCheck.leaveTokenHook(DetailAST aAST)
          Hook called when leaving a token.
 void AbstractComplexityCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void AbstractComplexityCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called after all the child nodes have been process.
 void BooleanExpressionComplexityCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void BooleanExpressionComplexityCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called after all the child nodes have been process.
protected  void CyclomaticComplexityCheck.visitTokenHook(DetailAST aAST)
          Hook called when visiting a token. Will not be called the method definition tokens.
 void JavaNCSSCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void JavaNCSSCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void JavaNCSSCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void JavaNCSSCheck.finishTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void NPathComplexityCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called to process a token.
 void NPathComplexityCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
          Called after all the child nodes have been process.

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
 void AbstractClassNameCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
protected  boolean AbstractNameCheck.mustCheckName(DetailAST aAST)
          Decides whether the name of an AST should be checked against the format regexp.
 void AbstractNameCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
protected  boolean ConstantNameCheck.mustCheckName(DetailAST aAST)
protected  boolean LocalFinalVariableNameCheck.mustCheckName(DetailAST aAST)
protected  boolean LocalVariableNameCheck.mustCheckName(DetailAST aAST)
protected  boolean MemberNameCheck.mustCheckName(DetailAST aAST)
 void PackageNameCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
protected  boolean ParameterNameCheck.mustCheckName(DetailAST aAST)
protected  boolean StaticVariableNameCheck.mustCheckName(DetailAST aAST)

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
 void AnonInnerLengthCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ExecutableStatementCountCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void ExecutableStatementCountCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ExecutableStatementCountCheck.leaveToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void FileLengthCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void LineLengthCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void MethodLengthCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ParameterNumberCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
 void AbstractUsageCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void AbstractUsageCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void AbstractUsageCheck.finishTree(DetailAST aAST)
abstract  boolean AbstractUsageCheck.mustCheckReferenceCount(DetailAST aAST)
          Determines whether the reference count of an aAST is required.
 boolean OneMethodPrivateFieldCheck.mustCheckReferenceCount(DetailAST aAST)
 boolean UnusedLocalVariableCheck.mustCheckReferenceCount(DetailAST aAST)
 boolean UnusedParameterCheck.mustCheckReferenceCount(DetailAST aAST)
 boolean UnusedPrivateFieldCheck.mustCheckReferenceCount(DetailAST aAST)
 boolean UnusedPrivateMethodCheck.mustCheckReferenceCount(DetailAST aAST)

Uses of DetailAST in

Methods in with parameters of type DetailAST
 void EmptyForInitializerPadCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void EmptyForIteratorPadCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void MethodParamPadCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void NoWhitespaceAfterCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void NoWhitespaceBeforeCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void OperatorWrapCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void ParenPadCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void TabCharacterCheck.beginTree(DetailAST aRootAST)
 void TypecastParenPadCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void WhitespaceAfterCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)
 void WhitespaceAroundCheck.visitToken(DetailAST aAST)

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